The author blog of C. J. Ivory

Tinkerer with words. Dresser-Upper. Adorer of Steampunk and VictoriaNoir fiction. Occasional Lawgineer.

July 3, 2011

One Room, No Waiting

This blog should have been written last night. I really, really, really planned to do it...

But something happened. And that something was Room by Emma Donoghue.

(Here comes the blurb.)

Jack is five, and excited about his birthday. He lives with his Ma in Room, which has a locked door and a skylight, and measures eleven feet by eleven feet. He loves watching TV, and the cartoon characters he calls friends, but he knows that nothing he sees on screen is truly real - only him, Ma and the things in Room. Until the day Ma admits that there's a world outside...

And yes, as you may have guessed from the title of this post, I read the entire book in one day.

These days, reading a book in one day is so rare for me as to deserve a hallelujah. I put it down to Room having a strong narrative, a sympathetic main character, and a compelling stroyline. Oh, and did I mention it was written in a very readable manner? Nothing fancy, no gimmicks. Just plain old easy reading. Bravo, Emma Donoghue!

So now I'm interested - which novels have you read in one sitting, and why?


Trisha said...

Woah. That sounds like a very intense read...

Umm, I think I probably read "Twilight" in one sitting. Yes, I know, shameful! LOL. Why? It was just compelling (even though the writing was pretty terrible) plot-wise. I felt the NEED to read. ;) (yes, that was meant to rhyme)

Dana said...

Unfortunately, I don't remember the last time I read a book in one sitting. Room sounds fascinating! I'll definitely check it out.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I'll have to check it out! It sounds perfect for me. I don't think I've actually read a book in one sitting though. Perhaps this will be a first.